Postoperative Pelvic Abscess Ureteral Obstruction Caused by in a Cases with Cervical Cancer 宫颈癌术后盆腔脓肿致输尿管梗阻1例
Venezuelans only found out weeks after Mr Ch á vez was treated for a "pelvic abscess" in Cuba that a cancerous tumour had been removed. 而委内瑞拉民众只能在几周后才知道查韦斯在古巴接受“盆腔脓肿”治疗,他的癌症肿瘤被切除。
The clinical analysis of laparoscopic operation treatment for 66 cases of pelvic abscess 腹腔镜手术治疗盆腔脓肿66例疗效观察
Clinical analysis of 86 pelvic abscess 86例女性盆腔脓肿的病原学及临床分析
Conclusion The pelvic abscess displays not typically, before the technique, the rate of missed diagnosis is by mistake high. 结论盆腔脓肿表现不典型,术前误、漏诊率较高。
ConclusionTransvaginal ultrasound-guided aspiration and catheter drainage is an effective and safe therapy in pelvic abscess. 结论超声引导下经阴道抽吸或置管引流盆腔脓肿是一种安全有效的治疗方法。
But while he was in Havana, officials said he needed emergency surgery for a pelvic abscess and subsequently time to recover. 但是他在哈瓦那的时候,官员们称,他因为骨盆脓肿接受了紧急手术,需要时间来康复。
The effect of the medicine alone is poor in treating pelvic abscess. 单纯药物治疗对已形成脓肿者效果不好。
Objective To perform retrospective analysis of pelvic abscess, and to provide the measures for improvment of diagnosis and therapy in gynecology. 目的回顾性分析盆腔脓肿的临床表现,提高妇科的诊疗水平。
Pathogenic Analysis of Pelvic and Peritoneal Abscess and Its Clinical Management 盆腔、腹腔脓肿的病原学分析与临床处理
Pelvic Abscess: Clinical Analysis of 33 Cases 盆腔脓肿33例临床分析
Pelvic abscess occurred in 1 case and was cured with a re-operation of laparoscopic abscess drainage. 盆腔脓肿1例,腹腔镜下脓肿引流治愈。
Clinical analysis of 43 cases of pelvic abscess 盆腔脓肿43例分析
Among them 2 were pelvic abscess, 2 were fecal fistula, 2 were incisional hernia, 2 were fistula of abdominalwall, 1 extra peritoneal abscess. 术后并发症9例,盆腔脓肿,阑尾残端粪瘘,腹壁切口疝及结核性腹壁窦道各2例,肌间脓肿1例。
Analysis of Surgical Treatment in 33 Patients Under Female Pelvic Abscess 女性盆腔脓肿33例手术治疗分析
Whether CT or TVS scanning, which must be in combination with clinic information to diagnose pelvic abscess. Conclusions CT combined with TVS can improve diagnostic accuracy in female pelvic masses. 结论对女性盆腔肿块的诊断,CT检查应该重视结合TVS图像,这样才能提高诊断的准确性。
Intraoperative death was found in one case. There was 1 case of pelvic abscess, but no intestinal fistula postoperatively. With follow-up 1-6 years, no recurrence had been found. 术中死亡1例,术后发生盆腔脓肿1例,其余7例术后无一发生肠瘘,追踪观察1~6年,7例均无复发。
Intervention Treatment of Pelvic Abscess Help of Ultrasound 血栓病变的介入性超声治疗进展介入性超声治疗盆腔脓肿
One postoperative complication was pelvic abscess ( treated conservatively with drainae). 1例术后并发症为盆腔残余脓肿(保守治疗痊愈)。
Clinical analysis of 38 cases of pelvic abscess 盆腔脓肿38例治疗分析
Cases were acute pelvic inflammatory disease and were treated with abscess debridement, salpingectomy and lysis of pelvic adhesions. 急性盆腔炎7例,行脓肿清除、输卵管切除及盆腔粘连松解术。